Saturday, 12 May 2012

Freshly baked bread, every Saturday in Drachselsried

Every Saturday, summer and winter, bread is baked using the traditional Bavarian method in Drachselsried.  Bread has been baked like this for more than hundred years. The photos show a mobile and a standard baking oven.

A wood fire is the first step, to heat the oven to the correct baking temperature, the remaining wood and ash are removed, the hot stones are cleaned ready for baking. Baking the bread takes about one hour fifteen, to an hour thirty minutes.

Clearing the burnt wood from the oven
Ready prepared bread mixture
Marking the bread with a cross

The Bread is ready for baking

The freshly baked bread is ready.

Waiting for the customers.

A son of the baking couple built this traditional "Backofen" Backing Oven. For German viewers the link is 

Drachselsried Maypole

On May 1st Drachselsried used the traditional method to raise the village Maypole or Maibaum. A team of horses, brought the fresh tree, already prepared the Bavarian way to the village centre. A team of volunteers, including members of the local Fire Station, used a techniques which has been used for many years. The tractor you see in one photo is only there for safety, with a cable to the Maypole, just in case.